Date and Time

Jul 28, 2024 5:00 pm



4251 S. Campbell Ave, Arlington, Virginia, 22206

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Home Equity: Addressing Racial Disparities in Housing

We often believe that housing discrimination ended with the passing of the Fair Housing Act in 1968. However, the reality is that federal policies throughout the mid-twentieth century were intentionally crafted to promote and reinforce racial segregation in housing. Despite the legislation, housing discrimination based on race has persisted.

The legacy of practices like racial covenants and redlining has had lasting implications on the racial and economic landscape of America. These practices continue to contribute to racial segregation, economic disparity, and the unequal distribution of resources and opportunities.

Recent events, such as the Supreme Court decision in June (Johnson v. Grants Pass), which effectively criminalized homelessness, and the ongoing battle over zoning law changes (Missing Middle) in Arlington County, highlight the continuing discrimination and division around housing choices.

We are honored to present a panel of subject matter experts to lead this discussion:


  • Alice Hogan, Arlington Director, Northern Virginia Affordable Housing Alliance (NVAHA)
  • Charles McCullough, Consultant, Alliance for Housing Solutions
  • Wells Harrell, Housing Committee Chair, NAACP Arlington Branch
  • Kellen MacBeth, Chair, Arlington County Housing Commission

Join A Continuing Talk on Race as we discuss this important and timely topic.


A.C.T.O.R. (A Continuing Talk on Race) is a public discussion series. It provides the opportunity for people to come together and speak openly and honestly about issues of race, class and culture. The intent is that each person walks away from the discussion feeling something: challenged, educated, uncomfortable, enlightened, refreshed, reassured and hopefully inspired and moved to action!

On the last Sunday of each month, there is a new topic for discussion 

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Jul 27, 2024 7:00 pm

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THE JINN DAUGHTER | A Busboys and Poets Books Presentation

Jul 28, 2024 5:00 pm

THE JINN DAUGHTER | A Busboys and Poets Books Presentation

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THE JINN DAUGHTER | A Busboys and Poets Books Presentation

THE JINN DAUGHTER | A Busboys and Poets Books Presentation

Jul 28, 2024 5:00 pm

Author/Book Event | 450K